現在位置: ホーム イベント イベントフォルダ 第2回計算物質科学イノベーションキャンプ/The 2nd Innovation Camp for Computational Materials Science (2nd ICCMS)

第2回計算物質科学イノベーションキャンプ/The 2nd Innovation Camp for Computational Materials Science (2nd ICCMS)

『数値ライブラリを活用した数理科学と計算物質科学の連携』"Cooperation between applied mathematics and computational materials science by utilizing numerical libraries"
日時 2018年10月02日 13時30分 から
2018年10月04日 14時45分
場所 皆生シーサイドホテル 海の四季(鳥取県)
カレンダーに追加 vCal
開催趣旨 / Scope

A purpose of this camp is to learn  the advanced computational algorithms implemented in numerical libraries from the viewpoint of cooperation between applied mathematics and computational materials science.
In this camp, the participants can learn details of the algorithms in group exercises. It is also possible to utilize the advanced algorithms for solving their own research subjects. Invited lecturers will talk about needs in the condensed matter physics and show recent examples of the cooperations between applied mathematics and physics.
The participants discuss the possibilities of the cooperations between applied mathematics and the computational materials science. In addition, they can learn innovation minds from discussions with lecturers, who are active in industry, government, schools and various academic fields.

概要 / Overview

日程 / Period:
October 2nd(Tue.)-4th(Thu.), 2018

開催場所 / Venue:
皆生シーサイドホテル 海の四季
The Kaike Seaside Hotel (Tottori Pref.)

参加費 / Participation fee:
無料 ※宿泊費等は現地にてお支払いただきます。
Free * Accommodation fee should be paid by each participant on site

定員 / Capacity:
40名程度 ※基本的に先着順です。
Up to 40 people * Basically, applications will be accepted on a first-come, first served basis.

参加対象 / Qualifications:
物質科学・計算科学全般・HPC・数理科学研究に関連する若手研究者、ポスドク、大学院生(学部生も可) ※プログラミングの基本的な知識は必要です。
Early career scientists, PD, Graduate students(DC), majoring in materials science, computational science, HPC, and mathematical science.* Basic programming skill is required.

申込期限 / Deadline for registration:
一次締切 (終了):2018年7月31日(火)正午 2018年8月3日(金)正午【延長しました!】 ※CCMS事務局より旅費の支弁を受ける方で、羽田発着の方は団体航空券の手配の都合上、必ず一次締切までにお申し込みください。
July 31st(Tue.) Noon August 3rd(Extended!)* Participants using the Haneda Airport and receiving the travel expense reimbursement from the CCMS(Post K project and PCoMS) should complete the registration by Aug. 3rd.
二次締切:2018年8月31日(金)正午 ※但し、定員に達し次第締め切ります。
August 31st(Fri.) Noon * Registration may stop before the deadline in case the event is booked out.

旅費支援 / Travel expenses support:
The travel expenses reimbursement may be applicable to the followings.

- Lecturers

- Researcher/Postdoc
involved in the Post 'K' Project -Priority Issue 7-
・計算物質科学人材育成コンソーシアム構築事業 イノベーション創出人材(IPD)プログラム(フェロー)既認定者および、(一般)新規登録希望者
- Researcher/Graduate student who has been designated as 'fellow' or 'general' of PCoMS-IPD program.
* If you wish to join the PCoMS-IPD program, please contact us for more details.

■注意事項 / Notes:
- Participants should stay at the designated accommodation(Kaike Seaside Hotel). Hotel booking will be made by the organizers.
- Accommodation fee should be paid by each participant on site. Details will be announced to the participants by email.
- Please bring your own laptop PC.

- Tutorial material will be distributed prior to the camp. Please be sure to install the program and check if it works properly with your own PC in advance.
- Presentation materials should be prepared in English, and some lectures and training will be given in English.

共催 / Co-organized by:
- Post 'K' Project -Priority Issue 7- "Creation of New function Devices and High performance Materials, for supporting industry of next generation"(CDMSI)
- Professional development Consortium for Computational Materials Scientists(PCoMS)

協賛 / sponsored by:
- The Center of Computational Materials Science(CCMS)

プログラム(仮) / Program *This schedule is tentative and may be revised.
The 1st day】 Oct. 2nd(Tue.)
13:30-14:00 Guidance(1) Organizer
14:00-15:00 Lecture (1) 「スーパーコンピュータにおける計算物質科学と数理科学の連携:数値計算ライブラリとそのアルゴリズム」
"Collaboration between computational material science and applied mathematics on supercomputer: numerical libraries and their algorithms."
T. Hoshi(Tottori Univ.)


Lecture (2) 「MateriAppsを利用した計算物質科学のソフトウェアの探し方・情報共有」
"How to find and share information on software in computational materials science using MateriApps"
T. Misawa(Univ. of Tokyo)
16:10-18:00 Hands-on practice (1)
Install software and tutorial

20:00-21:00 Innovation promotion program(1) 「アカデミアとインダストリーの垣根を超えて」
"Over the barriers between academia and industry"
M. Fujii(Panasonic)

【The 2nd day】 Oct. 3rd(Wed.)

9:00-10:00 Lecture (3)

"Algorithms and Libraries in Computational Condensed Matter Physics"

S. Todo(Univ. of Tokyo)
10:00-12:00 Hands-on practice (2) 実習 (1):課題選定など
Form teams, selecting a theme and theme exercise in each team.

14:00-15:00 Lecture (4) 「大規模固有値問題の数値解法と計算物質科学への応用」
"Numerical algorithms for large eigenvalue problems and their application to computational materials science."
曽我部知広 (名古屋大学)
T. Sogabe(Nagoya Univ.)
15:10-16:10 Lecture (5) 「テンソルネットワーク法による情報圧縮と物性物理への応用」
"Information compression by tensor networks and its application to condensed matter physics"
大久保毅 (東京大学)
T. Okubo(Univ. of Tokyo)
16:10-18:00 Hands-on practice (3) 実習 (2):課題への取り組み

20:00-21:00 Innovation promotion program(2) 「カニ殻由来の新素材”キチンナノファイバー”の製造とその機能を活かした事業化」
"Chitin nanofibers extracted from crab shell and its practical applications by applying various properties"
S. Ifuku (Tottori Univ.)

【The 3rd day】 Oct. 4th(Thu.)

9:00-12:00 Hands-on practice (4) 実習 (3):課題への取り組み・成果の整理

13:00-14:30 Presentation 成果発表・情報共有
Presentation of the achievements
The representative of the team
14:30-14:45 Summary
Further discussion

参加申込み / Registration

If you wish to join the 2nd ICCMS, please complete the registration through the "registration button" below.

申込期限 / Deadline for registration:
一次締切(終了):2018年7月31日(火)正午 2018年8月3日(金)【延長しました!】
July 31st(Tue.) August 3rd(Fri.)Noon (Extended!)* Participants using the Haneda Airport and receiving the travel expense reimbursement from the CCMS(Post K project and PCoMS) should complete the registration by Aug. 3rd.
August 31st(Fri.) Noon * Registration may stop before deadline in case the event is booked out.



世話人 / Organizers

旅費等事務手続きに関するお問合わせ / Contact

担当:有馬 和美
〒277-8581 千葉県柏市柏の葉5-1-5
TEL: 04-7136-3279

The Center of Computational Materials Science(CCMS)
Institute for Solid State Physics, The University of Tokyo